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Pediatric Chiropractor For Kids in Midtown East, NY

Many babies experience their first spinal subluxation, or spinal misalignment, during the birthing process.

This contortion or twisting of the spine can occur during natural delivery or C-section. The negative impact, if left undiagnosed and untreated, means your child could have nervous system interference from infancy and throughout the rest of their life.

At Rowe Chiropractic, we help remove any interference to your baby’s growing nervous system by finding and fixing their misaligned subluxations.

$99 New Patient Special

We sit knee-to-knee for a detailed consultation on your primary concern to get an overall understanding of your health. We’ll assess your neurology, posture, and biomechanics during our thorough spinal discovery examination. X-rays may be taken to further identify the cause of your health issue.

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How Our Pediatric Care Plan For Kids Works

1. Freedom of Knowledge

Even in the worst of circumstances, it helps patients to know exactly what is going on. Through one-on-one doctor patient reports and group education lectures we empower our patients with the knowledge and understanding of their specific problem.

2. Freedom of Choice

The fact that you didn’t know you are supposed to care for your spine from birth is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. OUR responsibility is to guide you in the pathway to health. It’s your choice to decide how you want to participate in your health care.

3. Freedom of Health

Your health is your responsibility. Our job is to share our findings with you and lead and encourage you in the pathway to health. It’s your choice to decide how you want to participate in your health care and how you want to show up in life.

A Healthy Spine Can Lessen Your Child’s Risk of Other Illnesses

A child’s nervous system is continuously learning how to adapt to the outside world. This is how they learn to survive and thrive. Plus, it helps our body’s build a strong and healthy immune system.

Proper spinal health allows your child to avoid any danger of nervous system interference. Since the nervous system controls every bodily function, parents who take their babies to chiropractors have noticed positive quality of life changes in their children.

Well-adjusted and subluxation-free babies have a lesser risk of developing ear infections, colic, torticollis, and sleep and behavioral problems¹⁻⁷ .

As your baby grows older and onto adolescence (or adulthood), studies have shown the benefit of chiropractic care with symptoms like asthma, allergies, and attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD)⁸⁻¹⁵.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can improve your baby’s spinal health, please call us today at (212) 486-8888.

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1. Miller, J. (2013). Cost of routine care for infant colic in the UK and costs of chiropractic manual therapy as a management strategy alongside a RCT for this condition. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr. Jun 2013(14:1).
2. Miller, JE, Newell, D. and Bolton, JE. (2012). Efficacy of chiropractic manual therapy on infant colic: A pragmatic single-blind, randomized controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. Oct 2012(35:8): 600-607.
3. Rubin, D. and Istok, M. (2013). Resolution of infantile colic, torticollis, plagiocephaly and feeding difficulties following subluxation based chiropractic: A case report [care report]. J Pediatr Matern & Family Health – Chiropr. Spr 2013(2013:2) 24-27.
4. Dunn-Sigouin K. (2015). Resolution of recurrent acute otitis media in a child undergoing chiropractic care: A case report. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr. Oct 15(1) p1203-1204.
5. Fallon, JM. (1997). The Role of the Chiropractic Adjustment in the Care and Treatment of 332 Children With Otitis Media. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr. Oct 2(2):167-183.
6. Feranti, M. Alcantara, J. and Brinkley, C. (2016). Chronic otitis media, failed tympanostomy tube surgery and resolution following adjustment of vertebral subluxation [case report]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health. Win;2016(1):5-8.
7. Stone-McCoy, P.A., Boutilier, A. and Black, P. (2010). Resolution of otitis media in a nine month old undergoing chiropractic care: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report; review]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health – Chiropr. Sum 2010(3): p99-106.
8. Canning, B.J., Fischer, A. (2001) Neural regulation of airway smooth muscle tone. Respir Physiology Mar;125(1-2):113-27.
9. Fedorchuk C., Opitz, K. Improvement in quality of life and improved cervical curve in an 11-year-old child with asthma following chiropractic intervention: A case study [case report]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health – Chiropr Spr;2014(2) 37-46.
10. Rectenwald, R. (2014) Resolution of severe chronic asthma in an infant following upper cervical chiropractic care to reduce subluxation [case report]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health – Chiropr Spr;2014(2):27-29.
11. Gleberzon, B.J., Arts, J., Mei A. and McManus E.L. The use of spinal manipulative therapy for pediatric health conditions: a systematic review of the literature. J Can Chiropractic 2012 56(2):128-41.
12. Alcantara, J., Van Roo, L. and Oman, RE. Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with asthma, allergies, chronic colds & vertebral subluxation [case report]. J. Pediatric Maternal & Family Health – Chiropr. 2009(3):7.
13. Davies, N.J., Jamison, J.R. (2007). Chiropractic management of irritable baby syndrome. Chiropractic J. Aust. 37(1):25-29.
14. Fedorchuk, C., Opitz, K. (2014). Improvement in Quality of Life and Improved Cervical Curve in an 11-year-old Child with Asthma Following Chiropractic Intervention: A Case Study. J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health.
15. Postles, A., Haavik, T. (2010). Changes in asthma symptoms and bedwetting in a four year old child receiving chiropractic care: A case report. Chiropractic J. Aust. 40(1):34-36.

Check Out Our Location Near You

316 E 59th St, New York, NY 10022

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$99 New Patient Special

We sit knee-to-knee for a detailed consultation on your primary concern to get an overall understanding of your health. We’ll assess your neurology, posture, and biomechanics during our thorough spinal discovery examination. X-rays may be taken to further identify the cause of your health issue.

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